The Good Book?

Our latest gathering cycle is ‘The Good Book?’ We will be exploring how to read scripture wisely and sensitively in today’s world.

Many of us came to faith in contexts where the bible was received quite literalistically, in a very black and white fashion, and where it was also used quite aggressively to partition the ‘true believers’ from the heretics beyond. If we want to move beyond that kind of binary handling of the text how do we move forward without throwing the proverbial baby out with the bathwater?

Someone recently said, “I’ve rejected the way I used to read the bible but I haven’t replaced it with anything else and I don’t know how to read the bible any more!”.

In this cycle we will be exploring questions like these and lots of others too. We will approach them in our usual ways – through discussion, listening to speakers, meditation, creative contributions of various kinds and our usually quite riotous all-age service.

Everyone is welcome to all of our gatherings. Hope to see you there.

Sundays 30/9, 7/10, 14/10, 28/10 (at 8pm), 4/11, 11/11

St Albans Church, Charles St, Oxford (off Iffley Rd), 5pm