‘The bible and….’ speaker series

Hanging on to the coat-tails of our recently finished ‘The Good Book?’ gathering cycle on Sunday 18th November we begin a short mini-series of 3 consecutive Sundays where we have invited 3 people to come and speak about the influence the bible has had on their work and particular area of expertise. On Sunday 18th November we begin with Sabina Alkire from the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative coming to speak about ‘the bible and poverty’; next up is Mark Laynesmith from the University of Reading coming to talk about ‘the bible and the environment’; and wrapping things up is Judge Christopher Compston who is coming to speak on ‘the bible and justice’.

We are hoping to hear some interesting perspectives on how the bible has shaped the work of these three people in these three areas and to model some ‘best practice’ in terms of biblical interpretation.

You are very welcome to join us!

‘The Bible and Poverty’ | Sabina Alkire | Sunday 18th November, 5pm

‘The Bible and the Environment’ | Mark Laynesmith | Sunday 25th November, 5pm

‘The Bible and Justice’ | Judge Christopher Compston | Sunday 2nd December, 5pmÂ