
neighbourhood cycle poster

As a Christian community we hold not just the doctrine but also the principle of incarnation very dear. Bodies, things, and places matter. Our spirituality is located in a specific place – this is where we are, and this is where we are called to work out what it means to be fully human. So, in this gathering cycle, we want to think and pray in a more focussed way about the places where we live and ask what their gifts, possibilities and also their challenges are.

We begin by gathering in small groups to talk about our local areas and to pray for them. Then our very own Katharine Thompson will talk to us about the work she has been doing in the local area. We have an opportunity for a more reflective approach to the theme at our meditative gathering. In week 4 we are joined by Dick Wolff – a local councillor for the Green Party and also a minister in the United Reformed Church in Temple Cowley. Our All-Age gathering gives us the chance to approach the theme from a child’s perspective and we round things off with our open-source gathering where a number of us can add our own contributions to the theme.

Look out also for a couple of special midweek HUB gatherings where we can talk more about our localities and also devise some simple ‘field experiments’ which we can then report back on.